Your Healing Guide

Carly Nichols
Who am I? Some would say I am a light-hearted, optimistic, gentle, compassionate, deep, fun-loving soul. To use labels, I am a Starseed, Lightworker, Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Guide, and Bridge between this world and Spirit. I also have a background in Engineering and am a global Pet-sitter! I have a deep love and appreciation for nature and animals. For many years, I have had a driving passion to learn about what’s beyond our five senses, the bigger picture, and the ways of the Universe. As well as being committed to growing as a soul and seeing all things as purposeful and opportunities for growth.
For some, the Spiritual journey involves an abrupt awakening; mine has been slow and gradual all my life. Receiving subtle messages, connecting to my intuition (not always listening!), and having a desire to not only walk gently on this Earth, but to assist where and how I can. My journey to get to where I am now involved, what I call, many “breadcrumb moments”. Where many seemingly unrelated things throughout my life all came, and continue to come, together for a purpose. Some were experiences or people, while others were unexplainable, burning desires to learn about specific topics. Things that changed my beliefs, healed things within me, or challenged me to grow. This has led me to accept and embrace beliefs such as reincarnation, life on other planets and in other dimensions (that this Earth school is not the only school), and that we are all One.
My life started in Northern Ontario, Canada where I was blessed with a childhood involving much nature. After highschool, I studied engineering and then worked in the sustainable building consulting field. I always knew I wanted to make a difference in the world and thought then that engineering was the best way for me to make a positive impact. I had known for some time that I wanted to live abroad, which led me to then study ocean renewable energy in the Netherlands and Portugal. After that, I lived in the Netherlands working in ocean renewable energy for 5 years. In 2019, I took a big leap of faith and quit my engineering job, knowing that I needed something different, but not knowing what was next. This required me to challenge the societal beliefs and fears I had and to trust in my inner guidance system (not always easy!). I eventually realized that working full-time as an engineer was not providing the balance I needed between my masculine and feminine sides (logic/organization and intuition/flow) and I deeply wanted to do something that felt, and was, aligned with the whole of me. The time following really quickened my spiritual journey. I dove deeper into learning and exploring, and embraced my other, non-intellectual gifts; such as my intuition, empathy, the wisdom I hold, my connection to the Spirit realm, and holding space for and guiding healing.
In 2020, I again took a leap of faith and followed my intuition to leave my European home and life and move back to Canada. Now, my home for 6 months of the year is on a beautiful island in Ontario, Canada, close to where I grew up. For the other 6 months of the year, I have the privilege of going all over the world caring for people’s pets!
As mentioned before, on my life’s journey I learned that we need the balance that is right for us between our masculine and feminine sides. Not only are my offerings completely aligned with my passions and strong desire to assist others on their journeys, but doing this work is in such alignment for me. My logical mind acts as an investigator; connecting the dots and digging deeper when necessary to get the most out of each session for my clients. On the other hand, I keep things open and let sessions go where they need to go. This uses my intuition and non-judgement; spirit is not always “logical” and we cannot always fully understand it with our logical minds! Also, I gently guide and hold all those I work with in a space of deep compassion and understanding, non-judgement, and love.
If you’ve been drawn to me and this page, that is likely for a reason! The Divine nudges us all the time, but the question is, do we listen and take the next step? Reach out and we can take the next step together!
With much love, gratitude, joy, and blessings!